Wednesday November 28th 2012
Welcome back to Brett Ashlock after a two month injury leaving him unable to exercise Wednesday November 28th 2012 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30 pm WOD A. In 15 Mins build to a 1 rep max overhead squat – Stance, active shoulder, tight mid-line, hips initiate movement, knees drive (track) out over feet, chest stays vertical, hip crease below the top of the... -
Consistency Builds Credibility
How do you hold yourself accountable in the gym? What is your training style? Are you seeing the results you want in your performance and physique? Do you feel sluggish or behind during WODs and want to make a change? Check your CONSISTENCY. What does that even mean when it comes to Crossfit? It could mean a ton of different things. You could consistenly come to Crossfit 5 times... -
Tuesday November 27th 2012
Coach Joshua gives it a thumbs up Tuesday November 27th 2012 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am 4:30, 5:300, 6:30 pm WOD A. General warm-up (coaches choice) B. For time: 1000 Meter row then… 3 Rounds of 42 Air squats 21 Toes to bar finish with… 1000 Meter row C. Recovery/Mobility 2 Min Olympic wall squat 1 Min Single leg flexion (each side) 1-2 Min T-spine smash -
Pull-up Clinic With Paul
Video demonstration of a proper kipping pull up Ruination Crossfit will be hosting a Pull-up Clinic that is designed to help you advance to the next level with your pull-ups. If you are ready to get off the band once and for all and learn the technique and skill of the kipping and the butterfly pull-up then this clinic is for you. Also, if you are just starting out... -
Monday November 26th 2012
Track WOD days Monday November 26th 2012 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30 pm I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and extended holiday weekend. Im sure a few of us stuffed our faces and threw out all regards in eating healthy clean food that accommodates training hard and maintaining a low body fat. This week we will be a little more intense than previous... -
Saturday November 24th 2012
Sonya and Andrea running with sandbags in the sand Saturday November 24th 2012 7:00 & 8:00 am Sunday November 25th 2012 OPEN GYM 9:00 am – 12:00 pm WOD In teams of two, with one person working at a time, complete: 50 Kettle-bell swings (70/53) 40 Toes-to-bar 30 Overhead walking lunge steps w/ KB (70/53) 20 Handstand push-up 10 Bar muscle up (scale with 30 C2B pull-up) – Rest... -
Paleo Potluck Party!
It’s time to share your favorite healthy recipe with the rest of us…and maybe win some cash? Friday, December 7th at 7pm Mike & Shann’s House – Bring your favorite, healthiest dish (does not have to be Paleo, just healthy) – Bring $5 cash (entry fee) – Bring a print out of the recipe (if it’s a secret, at least share the ingredients) We will all sample and vote…the dish...