Friday December 14th 2012
Kris getting warm on the Airdyne. What are your thoughts on this piece of equipment? Friday December 14th 2012 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am 5:30 pm WOD A. “You Better Watch Out, You Better Not Cry” With 10 min on a timer: Run 1 mile – In remaining time perform AMRAP of Burpees With 10 min on a timer: Run 1 mile – In remaining time perform AMRAP... -
Thursday December 13th 2012
During a pistol squat some athletes prefer to grab their foot to help with balance in the bottom position Today is FREE friends and family workout. Bring a spouse, friend, co-worker or anyone looking to get a little dose of Crossfit. The workout is for all levels and can be easily scaled for lower level athletes. Hope to see a few new faces. Thursday December 13th 2012 5:00, 6:00,... -
Wednesday December 12th 2012
Francis moving fast through some bodyweight squats Wednesday December 12th 2012 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30 pm WOD A. Practice muscle up transitions, skills and drills for 15 min. If you can do a muscle up, work a more efficient way of doing them. Advanced athletes should be able to perform all variations of muscle ups (dead hang or strict, false grip, no false... -
Paleo Potluck Winner!
And the winner of our Paleo Potluck Challenge is… Stacey Gregrow’s CinnaBark! Thanks to everyone for coming and participating in our Paleo Potluck Contest. We had a lot of fun enjoying each other’s company as well as the dishes that were brought. Hands down Stacey’s CinnaBark was bomb!!! I’d put that to a taste test against any confection that actually has sugar. It was awesome and vanished faster than... -
Tuesday December 11th 2012
The 5am crazies Tuesday December 11th 2012 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30 pm WOD A. In 15 min build to a heavy one rep hang (Mid thigh) squat snatch – Let feel dictate your load and whether or not you choose to go for a new max effort. Just build to a weight that feels like the outer limit of what you are capable... -
Holiday Care Packages for the Military
Holiday Care Packages for the Military! We are collecting donations to send a care package to active soldiers this holiday season. We are hoping to get enough donations to send 1 box to a helicopter squadron recommended by Jenae & Andrew Dimitruk and 1 box to a ground squadron recommended by Coach Harry. Please bring what you can and place in box at the gym. Suggested items: – Handheld little... -
Monday December 10th 2012
Shannon showing control for the judges at the Legendary Competitor Olympic lifting meet Congratulations to RCF athletes Jenna and Jeff H. for their awesome performance this weekend at the Legendary Competitor competition. Also, a big pat on the back to our Crossfit teens competitors Cole W., Mitchell, Christopher and Dakota. These boys took down the Pirates Of Fitness teen competition Saturday at the Anaheim Sports Complex and represented very...