Friday March 15th 2013
Gabe & Paul WOD Prep… 1000 Meter row or 5 Min Airdyne 2 Rounds of 20 Kettle-bell swings (53/35) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) – Practice rhythm, speed and cycle time of reps 7 min – Mobility (hamstring floss/quad smash/front rack/calve & time) Mental prep – Think about a pace and a split time in which you can maintain for each round. This WOD is about consistent pace, maintaining sound... -
Thursday March 14th 2013
Heidi Open WOD 13.2 (Performed on Friday in class) 10 Minute AMRAP of: 5 Shoulder to overhead (115/75) 10 Dead-lift (115/75) 15 Box jumps (24/20) WOD Prep… 800 Meter sandbag run with a partner trading off who carries the bag 8 Min mobility (snatch, receiving position, hamstring) Burgner Warm-up X 3 reps at each skill transfer with barbell A. Hang (just below knee) Power Snatch – Build to a... -
Wednesday March 13th 2013
PumpFit banging out some barbell floor wipers WOD Prep… 3 Min skip rope 2 rounds 12 T2B 12 Overhead squat (PVC) 12 Hand release push-up 5 min – mobility (hamstring/front rack/hips) A. 3 Rounds (not for time) 45 Double-unders (unbroken) 20 Kettle-bell swings (70/53) 5-10 Pull-up (practice butterfly/chest to bar) or 7 Bar muscle-up B. 7 Rounds for time 5 Dead-lift (275/195) 4 Box jumps (30/24) 3 Thruster (135/95) 2... -
Nutrition Workshop #2
“Prepping for the Week” Whether you are looking to lose weight or just maintain, the best way to stay on point with your diet, is to BE PREPARED! Saturday, March 23rd at 8:00am join Coach Harry, Stacey and Shannon as we explain to you how to prepare yourself for a week of healthy eating. This 1-hour workshop will include: • The basics on Zone and Paleo ... -
Tuesday March 12th 2013
Cristina WOD Prep… 5 min – Coaches choice group joint mobility 5 min – Ladder drills 5 min – Mobility WOD (Press, front rack, overhead) A. 3 Push Press X 3 sets – Build up over in about 4-5 sets then hit 3 working sets at around 90-92% – Rest 3 min B/T sets – During rest period perform 5 weighted dips B. 50 One arm DB snatch (50/35)... -
Monday March 11th 2013
Bri WOD Prep… 600 Meter row (stay under 25 strokes per minute and work on efficient mechanics) Barbell warm-up/complex 3 Rounds of 3 Dead-lift 3 Hang clean 3 Front squat 3 Split jerk 3 Good morning – Start with barbell and make a light increase after each round – After each round spend 2 minutes working on sticky joints and achieving better positions Skill work – Kipping HSPU A.... -
Saturday March 9th 2013
Brian and Kristen 13.1 WOD (Crossfit team WOD 9:00 am) In teams of two, with one person working at a time complete the following for time: “Menage A Trois” Can you name the girl WODs? 21 Dead-lift (225/155) 21 HSPU 21 Thruster (95/65) 21 Pull-up 50 Wall ball shots (20/14) 15 Dead-lift 15 HSPU 15 Thruster 15 Pull-up 50 Wall ball shots 9 Dead-lift 9 HSPU 9 Thruster 9...