Saturday March 9th 2013

By paul
In March 8, 2013


Brian and Kristen 13.1

WOD (Crossfit team WOD 9:00 am)

In teams of two, with one person working at a time complete the following for time:

“Menage A Trois”

Can you name the girl WODs?

21 Dead-lift (225/155)
21 Thruster (95/65)
21 Pull-up
50 Wall ball shots (20/14)
15 Dead-lift
15 Thruster
15 Pull-up
50 Wall ball shots
9 Dead-lift
9 Thruster
9 Pull-up
50 Wall ball shots

PumpFit (7:00 am)

Intro… (15:00 minutes)
In teams of two
30 Double unders
Suicide runs 10 M., 20 M., 30 M.
– Partner A performs 30 Double unders followed by one full suicide run, then switch.

Right at 15:00 minutes teams complete…

The Primer…
300 Air squats
200 Push-up
100 Pull-ups
– At the top of each minute teams must complete 15 kettle-bell swings (53/35)

Right at 30:00 minutes teams complete

The Grind…
2 Rounds of:
2:00 min max calories on the Airdyne
2:00 min max distance Dog sled push
2:00 min max calories on the Rower
2:00 min max Burpee ball slam (35/25)

rest 1 min

The Pack…
20 Knee to elbow (crunches)
:30 sec plank
20 Four count bicycle crunches
:30 sec rest

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