Friday August 25th 2017
Erica showing off her tricks WOD movements: The front squat Kipping pull-up progression -
Thursday August 24th 2017
Athleticism is the physical qualities that are characteristic of athletes, such as strength, fitness, and agility. Athlete shown above is Leslie V. -
Wednesday August 23 2017
The Track WOD at last weekends Pentathlon -
Tuesday August 22nd 2017
WOD #1 this past weekend at the Pentathlon was head down and work all the way to the finish. Great job to everyone who participated. We already Cant wait until next year. WOD demo with coaches Rich and Paul (January 2011) -
Sunday August 20th 2017
Tim WOD Movements The Muscle up The Push jerk -
Saturday August 17th 2017
Hands on the hips, smiles on the lips ***Reminder Tomorrow the gym is closed***