Tuesday November 13th 2012
Rachel showing us a perfectly vertical kettle-bell swing Tuesday November 13th 2012 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 pm WOD A. 3 sets, not for time: 10-12 Box jump (if you cannot rebound from a 24/20″ box, choose a smaller box/height until you establish the rhythm) 15 Meter handstand walk (pick a scaling option which you can work on proper handstand mechanics) 1 – 2 Rope... -
Shredded Santa Nutrition Follow Up
The Ropes are up are the Ruination training compound. Get your long socks ready. Written by Harry Palley Nation, Here’s a follow-up to the lecture on Saturday. We had a very tight window to work with, so I breezed over some concepts we can clarify here. Next time we plan one of these discussions, we’ll be setting aside some more time. Reason behind this write-up is to provide you... -
Monday November 12th 2012
Monday November 12th 2012 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30 pm WOD A. 3 Sets of: 10 Back squat (use 75-80% of 1RM) rest 30 – 45 seconds 7 – 10 Push-up holding DB (look to get full range of motion while maitaining a rigid trunk and lower body) 7 – 10 DB row (45/30) (each arm) rest 30 – 45 seconds 60 second Jump... -
Saturday November 10th 2012
The beginning Saturday November 10th 2012 7:00 & 8:00 am 9:00 – 9:30 FREE Nutritional Q & A with Coach Harry This is an educational piece for anyone looking to get a kick start with their nutrition during the tough Holiday Season. Its open to all Ruination Crossfit members. Shredded Santa Teams and competitors are encouraged to attend this. 9:30 – 10:30 am Competitor “Try outs” WOD Teams of four complete:... -
Friday November 9th 2012
Trevor and Jason working through Wednesdays “Mainsite” chipper Friday November 9th 2012 FREE “Community Workout” 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am 5:30 pm WOD “Shredded Santa” Baseline 4 Minute AMRAP 10 Med-ball clean (20/14) 10 Push press rest 1 minute 3 Minute AMRAP Row max distance (meters) rest 2 minutes 2 Minute AMRAP Kettle-bell swing (53/35) rest 3 minutes 1 Minute AMRAP Box jump overs (30/24) – For jump... -
Free Community Workouts
One of the many beach workouts over the summer months We at Ruination Crossfit know the importance of a fit body and mind, so we want to offer your friends and family a chance to see what it is that you’ve been raving about. Each month, we will be offering 3-4 Free Community Workouts where the workout will be designed with basic movements that can be taught simplistically in... -
Competitor Try Outs WOD # 2
Taylor going head to head with Ryan Fisher and Dave Lipson last year at the 2012 Crossfit Games SoCal Regionals. Will you be there in 2013? The first week of “Try outs” for our Competitor team was a huge success. We had over 15 athletes get after WOD # 1. The next team “Try outs” are this Saturday November 10th at 9:00 am. Remember that we have 3 more...