Protected: Week # 7 “Get Jacked” Programming
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Saturday February 23rd 2013
Cupids Massacre advanced division winners Cupids Massacre intermediate division winners Crossfit Team WOD (9:00 am) “Freeway” Teams of four (two male, two female) complete in a follow the leader format. Athletes can’t rotate till all members complete reps required for each station… 2 Rounds of: 25 Kettle-bell SDHP (97/70) 15 Burpee w/ jump on 45# plate 75 Double-under 21 DB thruster (35/20) 400 meter sandbag run (60/40) – Full... -
Friday February 22nd 2013
Jesseca Written By: Coach Jenae Dimitruk Living in Southern California and being a CrossFitter makes it hard to not develop an enormous sense of pride for our military. Not only is a major Marine base located just 40 miles south of here, but Ruination CrossFit is home to quite a few current and former military members. Almost every single one of us knows someone who is active duty military.... -
Thursday February 21st 2013
Julia, Lauren & Carmen WOD Prep… 2 rounds :30 sec GHD sit-up :30 sec rest :30 sec Ring dip :30 sec rest :30 sec Burpee Box jump over (20″) :30 sec rest 5 min – banded mobility + stretches Skill… Practice Skin the cats, inversions, levers and other ring gymnastic skills for 10 minutes A. 7 Rounds of: 300 Meter row 10 pistols Cash out… 50′ Dog Sled pulls... -
Wednesday February 20th 2013
Stephen WOD Prep… 5 min Double under practice Joint mobility + Banded/roller mobilization (overhead/rack position+ T-spine) A. 3 Rounds (not for time) 2-3 Rope climbs 20 sec. L-sit 1-5 Muscle-up or 12 C2B pull-up – Work on efficiency and the skill of these three high level gymnastic exercises – Coaches will provide scaling and modification B. In 5 minutes build to a 3 rep max push jerk Immediately into…... -
Tuesday February 19th 2012
Cole WOD Prep… 3 Rounds of: 250 meter row 10 PVC overhead squat 15 Ring rows 5 min – band/roller mobility (press + overhead) A. 3 sets of: 10 DB press (heavy for 10 unbroken) rest 15 sec 10 Strict pull-up rest 1 min B. For time: 30 Power clean (185/135) rest 5 min C. 15 Minute AMRAP of: 10 Kettle-bell swing (70/53) 10 Burpee 10 HR push-up... -
Monday February 18th 2013
Tonia and Darin WOD Over the next six weeks our focus will be the two olympic lifts, the snatch and the clean & jerk. Every Monday and Wednesday you will see some variation of olympic weightlifting as a skill or strength session during your regular workout. The goal is to drill proper set-up and receiving positions as well as correct any inefficiency during the three pulls. Come to class...