2014 Winter Shakedown
Good Luck to Sarah, Jared, Tonia and Martin as they compete in this Saturday’s SHAKEDOWN! On Saturday February 22, 2014 Seventy CrossFit teams consisting of FOUR athletes (2 men, 2 women) will arrive at CrossFit RepScheme in Northridge, CA to showcase why Southern California is the most hardcore CrossFit region in the world. Athletes will compete in three games level team workouts. WOD’s will be challenging, intense, but most... -
Are you FoodFit? Introducing FoodFit, Ruination CrossFit’s personalized guide to eating clean. Whether you are looking to lose weight, eating to perform, or just want a better understanding of how you should be eating, this is the program for you! 1-Week Plan Includes: Initial Consultation – Meet with Coach Laura for up to 1 hour to discuss how you are currently eating and what changes you should be making.... -