Saturday June 1st 2013
First of the month partner “Painstorm” WOD (9:00 am Team WOD) In teams of two, with one person working at a time, complete the following for time: 100 Kettle-bell snatch (70/53) 400 Meter run (partner A completes 200 meters then partner B completes 200 meters) 200 Meter heavy ball carry (150/80) 400 Meter run (partner A completes 200 meters then partner B completes 200 meters) 300 Double unders... -
Friday May 31st 2013
WOD Prep… 3 min (your choice run, row, AD, skip rope) 5 Mobilize shoulders and hips (foam roll hips (glutes), lats, spine) (With a band work banded distraction (shoulders), hip extension, floss hamstrings) A. OTM X 7 min 2 Snatch (135/95) – Perform a full snatch for each rep, the weight you use should be manageable and allow you to perform perfect mechanics B. For time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps Dead-lift... -
Thursday May 30th 2013
WOD Prep… 400 Meter run Then 3 sets of: 10 Double russian KB swing (build across) 10 Single arm overhead lunge (build across) 20 Hollow rock (must be perfect) Skill – Muscle up transitions and handstand holds A. “Freddy’s Revenge” 5 Rounds for time: 5 Shoulder to overhead (185/125) 10 Burpee – Shoulder to overhead is pulled out of the rack and can be performed from front rack or... -
Wednesday May 29th 2013
WOD A. Build to a 2 rep max weighted dip Or 5 Sets of: 10-15 Push-up, rest 30 sec. 10-15 Single arm Kettle-bell arnold press, rest 30-45 sec. B. Supinated weighted pull-up cluster 3.3.3 X 3-4 sets, rest 2 min – The period represents a 30 sec. rest C. 12 Min AMRAP of: 60 sec. Weighted plank (elbow)(25/15) 100 Meter farmer carry (70/53) 10 Toes to bar -
Olympic Lifting Competition
Let’s send the Nation in full force for Legendary Competitor’s upcoming Olympic Lifting Competition! Saturday, June 22nd Times & Location TBD Registration Now Open. $45 per participant; spectators free. More information can be found here. -
FREE Pull-Up Clinic
Join your Ruination Coaches for a 1-hour review of the pull-up. This is a great class for anyone struggling with their technique! Saturday June 1st 8am – 9am Limited to the first 15 members to sign up here. -
CrossFit Terminology 101
Here’s a quick reference guide to some CrossFit Terminology as well as links to information/videos about the movements. You never know when there will be a pop quiz, so study up!!! AMRAP……………………….. As Many Reps/Rounds as Possible BP………………………………. Bench Press BS………………………………. Back Squat BW…………………………….. Body Weight C2B…………………………….. Chest to Bar Pull Ups C&J…………………………….. Clean and Jerk CFJ…………………………….. CrossFit Journal CFT…………………………….. CrossFit Total DL………………………………. Deadlift DB……………………………… Dumbells DU…………………………….. Double-Unders FS………………………………. Front...