Friday March 17th 2017
David K. hitting a big split jerk at the 2017 Cupids Massacre -
Thursday March 16th 2017
Brendan and Crystal -
Tuesday March 14th 2017
Martin and the noon crew take Mondays 10K team relay race outside. Summer is coming guys! Box Brief Todays WOD is a repeat from Wednesday June 29th, 2016. Follow the link attached to see whiteboard results from that day. Remember, tracking workouts is super easy and makes for getting better results down the road. If you’re unclear how to track your results to WOD Together, just ask a coach... -
Monday March 13th 2017
With all the beautiful weather we’ve had the last several days, have you gotten out and applied your fitness? -
Sunday March 12th 2017
7am regulars Max, Parker and Jared -
Saturday March 11th 2017
5AM regular, Jorge Rubal nails a big power clean and push jerk before last weeks baseline WOD “Grace”