New Year, New Goals!

By paul
In December 17, 2012

alina muscle up
Alina worked relentlessly to achieve a muscle up

Goal setting is an important task but often not done by many. Goal setting is extremely effective and can provide a vision and focus for the future, and for the present. Setting goals provides structure and direction when working at a specific outcome.  Goal setting provides motivation and can help you organize your time and resources so that you can make the most of your efforts. Treat goal-setting as a way to improve your present situation and not as a way to control the future.

Below are a few steps that will help you not only identify and set your goals, but also achieve your goals. There is no better feeling then setting a goal, and having to do everything in your powers stay on track and finally accomplishing it. Here they are:

1. Identify what your values are. This is important because you need to make sure your goal is in line with your values. Identify your core priorities and make sure your goal doesn’t detract from your overall values. Instead, your goal should support your values and work in harmony with them.

2. Identify what it is that your really want. Be very specific; don’t leave any room for questioning later down the road. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. Once you identify what it is that you really want (this can be a challenge in itself), then set your goal.

3. Write your goal down and share it with a loved one. Make your goal visible so that you can have daily reminders to stay focused. This is very helpful because when you don’t write a goal down, it tends to become obtuse. The goal suddenly shifts depending on your circumstances at the time, gets pushed to the side if it is inconvenient and can change from its original purpose. If your goal is written down and shared with someone then you can be held accountable for your goal. Your goal now becomes real and not just an idea that never comes to fruition.

4. Be precise when setting your goal. Give your goal a deadline and give your goal dates, amounts, times, etc. so that you can measure your progress.

5. Identify how you are going to accomplish your goal. This is important. Anyone can set a goal but not everyone can accomplish a goal.  You must identify how you are going to reach your goal. Are you not drinking alcohol for the next 30 days? Then write out how you will stay on track for those 30 days (don’t go to certain restaurants where it is tempting to drink, prepare a polite reply to decline alcohol when it is offered, etc.) Anticipate any roadblocks that may come along and find ways to overcome those roadblocks.

6. Build a support group. It is crucial to have support when you are trying to achieve something that takes perseverance, dedication and determination. Your support group should be made up of people who have your best interest at heart. They can help motivate you and provide encouragement along your journey to success. They also provide needed accountability. Identify those who detract from your stated goal and try to eliminate their influence as much as possible.

These simple steps will help you set attainable goals and will hopefully get you headed in the right direction with goal setting. Going into the New Year its a perfect opportunity to evaluate the past and set the bar for the future. Good luck!

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