3rd Annual Cupid’s Massacre

By shannon
In December 1, 2014

Saturday, February 7th
at Ruination CrossFit

Teams of 2 (1 Male & 1 Female)

Get Your Partner and Get Ready!

Divisions:  Scaled & Rx

Cost:  $99/Team before 1/1/15, $120/Team after 1/1/15

Registration:  Scaled Team (SOLD OUT!), Rx Team (SOLD OUT!)

Location:  5 Columbia, Aliso Viejo, CA (blue bldg, no sign)

Parking:  125 Columbia (down the hill from Ruination)

Event Details:  We will have 3 WODs for each division

Prizes:  All podium winners will receive a swag bag complete with Oakley sunglasses, Fuel for Fire, Kill Cliff, Lululemon GC, RSP Nutrition, Vitargo, HQ Unlimited – all in an Oakley gym bag!  All athletes will receive a Cupid’s Massacre Tee or Tank, Kill Cliff Sunglasses and a few other goodies from RSP Nutrition and HQ Unlimited.

Schedule of the Day

7:30am – 8:30am: Athlete Check-In
8:30am: WOD Briefings
8:50am: Singing of the National Anthem
9:00am – 10:54am: WOD #1
11:05am – 12:24pm: WOD #2
12:40pm – 3:15pm: WOD #3
3:30pm: Award Ceremony

Heat Schedule available here: 2015 Cupid’s Heat Schedule

Save time!  Print and bring filled out waiver:  RCF Waiver for Cupid’s Massacre 2015

Our Generous Sponsors


Fuel for Fire




Vitargo Logo



The WODs

WOD #1:  “Menage a Trois”
Jeremy:  21-15-9 Overhead Squats & Burpees (Rx=95/65, Scaled=75/55)
Grace:  30 Clean & Jerks (Rx=135/95, Scaled=95/65)
Fran:  21-15-9 Thrusters & Pull-Ups (Rx=95/65, Scaled=75/55)

One person working at a time.  RULE CHANGE:  Break up the reps however you want, but you must hand tag to trade off who is working.  If you do not physically hand tag the reps will not count!  For safety reasons you may NOT drop the bar behind you.  No rest between workouts.  Athletes will change their own weights but you will have 2 bars (1 guy, 1 girl) loaded ready for Jeremy.  You can change weights for each other AND you can change weights while your partner is working.  Must be done in the above order.  10 MINUTE TIME CAP.


WOD #2:  “Speed Dating”

Male goes first and has 3 minutes to complete Ground to Overhead ladder
Rest 1 minute
Female goes and has 3 minutes to complete Ground to Overhead ladder

Rx Male Ladder: 135, 155, 185, 205, 225, 245, 265, 285, 305, 315, 335…this is as far as you can go – this is all the weights at your station

Rx Female Ladder: 95, 105, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215…up by 10# each step if there is time

Scaled Male Ladder: 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 195, 215, 235, 255, 275, 295…up by 20# each step

Scaled Female Ladder: 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175…up by 10# each step


Here’s how it will work:
Each team starts with a male bar loaded with the starting ladder weight and an empty Female bar.  Each team will have the following pile of weights:  (4) 45# plates, (2) 25# plates, (2) 15# plates, (2) 10# plates, and (2) 5# plates.

Male athlete has 3 minutes to get as far up the ladder as possible.  YOU ADD YOUR OWN WEIGHTS.  Both partners can help with the changing of the weights.  The athletes must move up the ladder using the pre-designated weights listed below.  No skipping a rung!  If you fail, you can attempt the lift again as many times as the timeframe allows.

At the 3 minute mark, the team will have 1 minute of rest to unload the male bar, swap the bar for the female bar, and load the starting female weight.  At the end of the 1 minute rest, the female athlete will have 3 minutes to work their way through the ladder.

The team’s score is the sum of all of the bars that they successfully lifted over the 6 minutes of work.


WOD #3:  “50 Shades of Grey”

Rx Division:
50 Double-Unders each
(Partner A does their 50, then Partner B does their 50)
50 Toes 2 Bar as a team
(Partner A does reps while Partner B holds onto the bar, switch at any time to complete 50)
50 Double-Unders each
(Partner A does their 50, then Partner B does their 50)
50 Calorie Row as a team
(Partner A rows while Partner B holds a deadlift 245/165, switch at any time to complete 50)
50 Double-Unders each
(Partner A does their 50, then Partner B does their 50)
50 Deadlifts as a team 245/165
(Partner A deadlifts while Partner B holds a rig dip in top position, switch at any time to complete 50)
50 Double-Unders each
(Partner A does their 50, then Partner B does their 50)

Scaled Division:
50 Double-Unders as a team
(Break up the reps however you like, 1 partner is allowed to perform all reps)
50 Toes 2 Bar as a team
(Partner A does reps while Partner B holds a plank position, switch at any time to complete 50)
50 Double-Unders as a team
(Break up the reps however you like, 1 partner is allowed to perform all reps)
50 Calorie Row as a team
(Partner A rows while Partner B holds a deadlift 185/135, switch at any time to complete 50)
50 Double-Unders as a team
(Break up the reps however you like, 1 partner is allowed to perform all reps)
50 Deadlifts as a team 185/135
(Partner A deadlifts while Partner B holds a rig dip in top position, switch at any time to complete 50)
50 Double-Unders as a team
(Break up the reps however you like, 1 partner is allowed to perform all reps)

For the double-unders in the Rx division, each person must complete their 50 DUs before their partner performs their 50.  During the toes to bar (feet must go behind the rig for each rep) if the partner drops from the bar or the plank position their partner can no longer perform toes 2 bar until they are back in position.  You can swap positions at any time to complete the 50 reps as a team.  For the calorie row, the rowing stops when their partner drops the bar.  Holding the deadlift must be done with knees locked out and shoulders behind the bar (no bent knees, no resting in the hip crease, etc.  You must be in a good deadlift position).  You can swap positions at any time to complete the 50 calorie row.  For the deadlifts, the partner must maintain a fully locked out position on the top of a ring dip while partner performs deadlifts.  Ring Dip hold you must have your elbows fully locked out (legs can do whatever – straight, bent, etc.)  You can swap positions at any time to complete the 50 deadlifts as a team.  15 MINUTE TIME CAP.


Scaled Division

RX Division

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