Competitor Try Outs WOD # 3

By paul
In November 14, 2012

Johnny setting up for a clean and Jerk during week one “Try outs”

Two workouts down and two more to go. The leader board has been shifted up a bit and competition is getting tighter every week. Currently the top three men and women are:

Women –
1. Tonia Osbourne
2. Koaleen Ireland
3. Courtney Chan

Men –
1. Kris Ulibarri (Tied for first)
2. Kenny Resch (Tied for first)
3. Johnny Reid

WOD #3

A. “Elizabeth”
For time:
21-15-9 reps of
Power clean (135/95)
Ring dip

Rest (time will be revealed on the day of the try-out)

For time:
150 Wall ball shots (20/14)


For time:
3 Rounds of
400 Meter run
21 Kettle-bell swing
12 Pull-up

Rest 3 Minutes

B. In 2 mins take 3 attempts at your max effort Standing broad jump

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