2014 Cupid’s Massacre Competition

By shannon
In January 27, 2014

Ruination CrossFit’s
2nd Annual Cupid’s Massacre
Co-Ed Competition

Cupid's Massacre 2014


1 Day:  Saturday, February 8th 8am – 2pm

2 Divisions:  Intermediate & Advanced

3 WODS:  1 Floater, 2 WODs

Early Registration (before January 1, 2014)
$99/team (Registration Now Closed)

Regular Registration (after January 1, 2014)
$120/team (Registration Now Closed)


7:30am – 8:00am Athlete Check-In
8:00am – Briefing of WOD #1
8:20am – National Anthem
8:30am – 10:00am – WOD #1
10:10am – Briefing of Floater WOD
10:20am – 11:20am – Floater WOD
11:30am – Briefing of WOD #2
11:40am – 2:00pm – WOD #2
2:15pm – Awards Ceremony

Cupid 2014 HEAT LIST


WOD #1:  “Ascending Amanda”

1 Muscle-Up, 1 Squat Snatch (135/95)
2 Muscle-Ups, 2 Squat Snatches (135/95)
3 Muscle-Ups, 3 Squat Snatches (135/95)

2 Pull-Ups, 1 Squat Snatch (95/65)
4 Pull-Ups, 2 Squat Snatches (95/65)
6 Pull-Ups, 3 Squat Snatches (95/65)

**Teams will continue in this pattern until time is called.  Score is highest reps completed.  One partner works at a time.  Both partners do NOT need to do all movements.

There are several different ways you can do this:
– One person can do all the muscle-ups/pull-ups while the other person does all the squat snatches.
– One person can do 1 muscle-up, 1 snatch then next partner does 2 muscle-ups, 2 squat snatches.
– One person can do round after round then tag their partner in.


Floater WOD:  “Synchronicity”

5 Rounds of
5 Synchronized Deadlifts (275/185)
10 Synchronized Hand Release Burpees

5 Synchronized Deadlifts (185/125)
10 Synchronized Hand Release Burpees

**Both partners working at the same time.  Deadlifts and hand release burpees must be synchronized.  Standards will be gone over the day of.


WOD #2:  “Big Mother Thruster”

15 Minutes of:

5 Minutes
30 Cal Row as a team (Intermediate 20 Cal Row)
30 Toes 2 Bar as a team (Intermediate 20 Toes 2 Bar)
AMRAP of Squat Clean Thruster (185/125 Advanced, 135/85 Intermediate)
***Each Squat Clean Thrusters is 3 points

Immediately Into…
5 Minutes
30 Cal Row as a team (Intermediate 20 Cal Row)
30 Toes 2 Bar as a team (Intermediate 20 Toes 2 Bar)
AMRAP of Squat Clean Thruster (135/85 Advanced, 95/65 Intermediate)
   ***Each Squat Clean Thrusters is 2 points

Immediately Into…
5 Minutes
30 Cal Row as a team (Intermediate 20 Cal Row)
30 Toes 2 Bar as a team (Intermediate 20 Toes 2 Bar)
AMRAP of Squat Clean Thruster (95/65 Advanced, 75/55 Intermediate)
   ***Each Squat Clean Thrusters is 1 point

**Score is total points so strategy is key!  One partner works at a time in any combination (for example, one partner can do all the rowing or T2B or Squat Clean Thrusters or you can switch off).  Bar starts loaded and teams change weights themselves.  One partner can change weights while the other is doing the “buy-in”.

If you have any questions,
email Shannon at 


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