Tuesday March 7th 2017

By paul
In March 6, 2017

2017 Cupid's Massacre at Ruination CrossFit
Always nice when your judge (coach Sarah) is smiling while you suffer
through a tough WOD

Ruination Events
 **** Sunday March 26th ****  is our group hike in the Ortega Highway trails. We will be heading to Chiquito Falls in the Cleveland National Forest. Its a 8.7 mile out and back trail with almost 3000′ of elevation change. We will hit the trail around 8am, on-line says its about a 4 hour round trip hike. Kids, dogs and family members are all welcome. More details about the day of will be posted over the next week or so. Hope to see a good group come out to join us.

Box Brief
Please remember a few requests from the coaching staff when it comes to attending classes. First, please make sure you SIGN UP FOR CLASSES. We have placed a 20 person cap on all classes (except Saturdays) due to space, equipment, and in order to maintain a high quality class experience. If the class you are looking to attend is full, you will be placed on a waitlist and notified if a spot has become available. Secondly, please SHOW UP ON TIME. This is important for many reasons, mostly because it helps the coach mentally prepare for the group in front of them. There is planning that happens as soon as the class begins and people who show up late (more than a couple minutes) can throw off the flow. Also, showing up early and sticking around after (even if its just for a few minutes) allows you to be a part of the community and build a few relationships with some awesome people. Thirdly, BE COACHABLE. Come to class ready to learn something new, or maybe take away a cue for a barbell lift or gymnastic movement that might help improve your technique. The goal for everyone of our coaches is to teach, see, and correct movement flaws. Embrace this idea and let us take your abilities to levels you never thought possible. The last request is to HAVE FUN! Thats probably the easiest one… don’t take it too serious, have a good attitude and smile… It goes a long way!

Ready to get started?

Visit our gym today, talk to a coach, try a free class & change your life!

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