Tuesday July 2nd 2019

By paul
In July 1, 2019
Taylor H.

Box Brief And Save The Dates:
Wednesday July 3rd – Free Drop In & Community workout
* All classes will be open for members to bring their friends and family in for a Free crossfit workout!
Thursday July 4th – Modified class schedule
* Come join us for a Hero WOD this year to celebrate our nations independence. Classes times offered are 7am, 8am and 9am. Childcare will be available!
Saturday July 13th – Family Beach Day
* Bring the family and friends down for some sun, surf, games, and eating and drinking. We’ll be taking over a site down at Doheny state beach with a BBQ and large fire pit. Time to take advantage of where we live!

Ready to get started?

Visit our gym today, talk to a coach, try a free class & change your life!

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