Tuesday April 9th 2013

By paul
In April 8, 2013

A packed house for the PM classes tonight. Summer is lining up to be pretty epic at Ruination Crossfit.


400 Meter run
Joint mobility + Dynamic range of motion drills
5 Rounds
15 Double unders
10 Jump squats

A. For time:
Power Snatch (125/85)
Ring Dip

Cash out:
400 Meter sandbag run (60/40)
30 DB ground to overhead (45/30)

PumpFit (10:00 am)

4 Rounds
1 min Skip rope
30 sec Burpee
rest 30 sec. B/T rounds (Stretch hips + shoulders)

Row 1500 Meters

The Primer…
3 Sets of
15 DB Bench press
rest 30 sec
14 DB Alternating front raise
rest 30 sec

Run 800 Meters with a sandbag (60/40)

The Grind…

3 sets of
10 High bar back squat (Go heavy here)
rest 30 sec
20 Weighted sit-up
rest 1 min

3-5 rounds of
30 sec. max calories on the Airdyne
rest 2 min

The Pack…
Accumulate 2 minutes in an L-sit (rings, paralettes, plyo box)

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