Thursday June 27th 2019

By paul
In June 26, 2019
Synchronized GHD sit-ups …. Cause why not?

Box Brief And Save The Dates:
Thursday June 27th – Free nutrition workshop and meet up
* Join coach Shannon as she kicks off a three part nutritional workshop where she will cover several topics. This will not be your normal nutrition lecture we’ve all come to know. Come learn some new tips for getting the most out of your diet through the tough summer months, and into the holiday season.
Saturday June 29th/ Wednesday July 3rd – Free Drop In & Community workout
* All classes will be open for members to bring their friends and family in for a Free crossfit workout!
Saturday July 13th – Family Beach Day
* Bring the family and friends down for some sun, surf, games, and eating and drinking. We’ll be taking over a site down at Doheny state beach with a BBQ and large fire pit. Time to take advantage of where we live!
Thursday July 4th – Modified class schedule
* Come join us for a Hero WOD this year to celebrate our nations independence. Classes times offered are 7am, 8am and 9am. Childcare will be available!

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Visit our gym today, talk to a coach, try a free class & change your life!

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