Thursday January 31st 2013

By paul
In January 30, 2013



A. 3 Rounds (not for time)
2 Rope climbs or rope pull-ups
rest 30 seconds
4 Bar Muscle up or 6 strict pull-up (chest to bar)
rest 30 seconds
12 Russian kettle-bell swings (heavy)
rest 30 seconds
30 second/each – side plank
rest 30 seconds

B. Four Rounds of each couplet in “Tabata” interval format (20 sec. on/ 10 sec. off). Alternate between the two exercises. Each couplet consists of eight intervals (3:50). Rest is one min between each. Score is reps completed for each couplet.

1) Wall ball shots (20/14)

2) Box Jumps (24/20)

3) Double-under
Handstand push-up

4) Front squat (75/55)
GHD sit-up

Weekly Member Challenge # 7
3 Rounds
30 Sec. Max Calories Airdyne
3 Min rest
– Score is total number of Calories completed for all three rounds…. These efforts are supposed to be all out.

Endurance Session (6:00 am)


– Work on your ankles, Knees, Hips and even a little shoulder

A. 3 Rounds of
100 Jump rope singles
20 Kettle-bell swings (53/35)

Rest 3 Min

B. Complete the following:
400 Meter run
50 Four count flutter kicks
800 Meter run
50 Four count mountain climber
1200 Meter run
50 Box jumps (20″)
– Keep track of your run split times (400 m. 1:20, 800 m. 3:15, 1200 m. 4:45)

3 rounds
25 “Hollow rock”
30 sec./each – Side plank
30 sec. Weighted plank (25/15)

Barbell Club (7:00 am & 6:00 pm)


2 Min/each – Banded hip distraction
1 Min/each – Couch stretch
2 Min/each – Front rack band MWOD
1 Min – Roll T-Spine, IT band (side of leg) and hamstrings on roller or lacrosse ball

A. Hang (high) Clean + Hang (above knee) clean + Clean (full) + Jerk
– Build to a heavy single. Bar stays in hands for all four lifts

B. 3 Snatch grip push press + 1 Snatch balance + 1 Overhead squat
– Build to a max effort

C. Max effort Front squat (pause)
– Build to a heavy single with a 5 second hold in the bottom position of the squat.

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