Thursday February 7th 2013

By paul
In February 6, 2013

Coach Jenae
Coach Jenae helps Lauren with her dead-lift


Ladder drills X 5 min
3 sets of:
10 Kipping swings
1o OHS w/ pipe
5 pass throughs
leg swings + arm rotation X 10 reps/each (forward/back/lateral)
1 min/each – banded shoulder distraction + external rotation
1 min/each – band assisted front rack + external rotation

A. 3 sets of:
10 Good mornings (wide stance)
rest 30 sec.
8/each – Single arm Kettle-bell press
rest 1 min
B. 30 sec./each – Max reps Single arm dumbbell row (heavy)
rest 30 sec.
Max effort L-Sit (if under 10 sec. perform 20 hollow rocks)
rest 1 min

C. For time
21-15-9 reps of:
Clean & Jerk (135/95)
Handstand Push-up (25# plates + Ab-mat)

Endurance session (6:00 am)

Ladder drills X 5 mins
leg swings + arm rotation X 10 reps/each (forward/back/lateral)
1 min/each – banded shoulder distraction + external rotation
1 min/each – banded hip distraction
1 min/each – couch stretch
1 min/each – calve roll out

A. Run 5k
– 3 laps on the long mile course

3 rounds
25 Toe touches
:60 sec weighted plank (25/15)

Barbell Club (7:00 am & 6:00 pm)

A. Build to a heavy one rep snatch
– Spend 15 minutes building up to a heavy single

B. Every :30 seconds for 10 min
1 snatch @ 80-85% of single
– Keep track of any missed reps

C. Power clean 1.1.1
– The decimal represents a :10 sec rest period
– Rest 1 minute between sets

D. AMRAP in 5 minutes
Squat clean @ 80% of  power clean form part C.

Competitor WOD (team)

A. Snatch
3 x max reps tng at 80% of 1RM
– These can be power or squat. Rest as needed between sets.

B. Front Squat

C. “Lynne”
5 rounds of:
max reps of Body weight Bench Press
max reps of Strict Pull ups
-No rest between movements.
-Rest 3 mins between rounds.
-if the pull ups go below 10 reps for any round turn them into kipping pull ups.

D. Burner
4 RFT:
12 Cals on Rower
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20″- jumping onto the box is allowed but not required

Weekly Member Challenge # 8

3 Min AMRAP of
Max reps Overhead squat (65/45)
– Every time the bar is set down or removed from the overhead position athlete must perform 2 bar facing burpee before continuing. Score is total reps completed.

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