State of the Nation 2018

By shannon
In September 18, 2018

It’s that time of year!  Ruination CrossFit’s Annual In-House Competition!

WHEN:  Saturday, November 3rd beginning at 9:00am

WHERE:  Ruination CrossFit

WHO:  Teams of 2, either male/male or female/female

DIVISION:  Intermediate and Advanced Divisions

COST:  $20 per person ($40 per team)


  • 7:00am – Athlete Check-In (no later than 7:30am)
  • 7:30am – Athlete & Judges Briefing
  • 7:55am – National Anthem
  • 8:00am – WOD #1
  • 9:00am – WOD #2
  • 11:00am – WOD #3
  • 12:30pm – Award Ceremony & BBQ


WOD 1:  “Makes The Dream Work”

Six – 2 minute rounds of:
Partner A – 25 Air squat (Intermediate = 15)
Partner B – 25 Air squats (Intermediate =15)
In remaining time:
RD 1 & 2 – Max reps Overhead squat 135#/85# (Intermediate = 75#/55#)
RD 3 & 4 – Max reps Clean & Jerk 155#/105# (Intermediate = 95#/65#)
RD 5 & 6 – Max reps Deadlift 185#/135# (Intermediate = 135#/95#)

– Teams will change their own weight

WOD 2:  “Snatch Meet”

Team members will each have 3 attempts at their best snatch.

  • Athletes will lift in order, based on their opening attempt weight
  • There will be a women’s platform and a men’s platform
  • Men and women athletes will alternate lifts every 2:00.
  • The score is the sum of each athletes heaviest successful lift
  • Coach Paul and Mike will judge this event

WOD 3:  “The 100s”

For time:
100 KBs 53#/35# (Intermediate = 44#/26#)
10/8 cals on the bike (Intermediate = 8/5 cals)
100 DUs (Intermediate = singles)
10/8 cals on the bike (Intermediate = 8/5 cals)
100 Pull-ups (Intermediate = 75 Pull-ups)
10/8 cals on the bike (Intermediate = 8/5 cals)
100 thruster 95#/65# (Intermediate 65/45#)
10/8 cals on the bike (Intermediate = 8/5 cals)
100 lateral burpees over barbell
10/8 cals on the bike (Intermediate = 8/5 cals)
100 GHD sit-ups (Intermediate = Abmat Sit-ups)
10/8 cals on the bike (Intermediate = 8/5 cals)

– 100 reps of each movement can be broken up however you want.  Calories on the bike are each person, Partner A goes then Partner B goes each time.


RX Division



Intermediate Division


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