Saturday November 10th 2012

By paul
In November 9, 2012

The beginning
The beginning

Saturday November 10th 2012
7:00 & 8:00 am
9:00 – 9:30 FREE Nutritional Q & A with Coach Harry  This is an educational piece for anyone looking to get a kick start with their nutrition during the tough Holiday Season. Its open to all Ruination Crossfit members. Shredded Santa Teams and competitors are encouraged to attend this.

9:30 – 10:30 am Competitor “Try outs”

Teams of four complete:
100 Pull-up (Must be completed in sets of 10 reps)
25 Synchronized overhead squat (95/65)
200 Double unders (Must be completed in sets of 20 reps)
50 Synchronized dead-lifts (135/95)
100 Burpee box jump (24″/20″) (Must be completed in sets of 5 reps)
75 Synchronized push ups
2000 Meter row (Must be completed in 500 meter increments)

– Details and movement standards will be covered tomorrow

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