Saturday February 6th 2016

By paul
In February 5, 2016

Thursday evening crew says “Rest days are over rated”

Just a reminder everyone, Saturdays workout will be at the new location in Laguna Hills, the address is below. But please come join us at the Aliso location for the Fourth Annual Cupids Massacre co-ed team competition. We’ll be there all day, tons of amazing Firebreather BBQ, cold drinks and some mingling with our guest. Hope to see everyone there.

Ruination Crossfit
23001 Del Lago Dr.
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

Workout for Ruination CrossFit

Warm-up –
Coaches choice dynamic warm-up for 5 minutes

In groups of 5 rotate through the following stations for 12 minutes
Row 300 meters (this station will dictate the rotation of the group)
Box jump w/ step down (24″/20″)
Kettle-bell swing + Goblet squat
Banded overhead shoulder distraction

Skill –
Overhead squat and Thruster technique tips/build up


“Bonding Experience”
[In teams of three, with one person working at time, complete the following]

For time:
50 reps of thruster at 135/95 lb
200 m run
100 reps of burpee
200 m run
50 reps of overhead squat at 135/95 lb
200 m run
30 reps of thruster at 135/95 lb
200 m run
75 reps of burpee
200 m run
30 reps of overhead squat at 135/95 lb
200 m run
10 reps of thruster at 135/95 lb
200 m run
50 reps of burpee
200 m run
10 reps of overhead squat at 135/95 lb
200 m run
* The 200 meter runs will be together as a team. Everything else is shared reps, with one person working

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