Ruination Crossfit Gets A “W”

By paul
In September 9, 2012

Paul Findlay meeting the standards

Congratulations to Ruination Cossfit coach Harry Palley for his 1st place win at the California Affiliate League event, Saturday Night Lights. Harry has been hitting the training pretty hard since his return from deployment a few months ago and it showed as he took down other local fire breathers in the three WOD competition. Great work Harry.

Another fun event/competiton that is coming up is the Crossfit Fly Sundown Showdown. It’s on Friday October 5th and it is the first women-only team competition. Thats right, WOMEN ONLY! Registration is open and we have two maybe three teams already signed up. This is going to be a fun event for the ladies of Ruination Crossfit to show the community who we are.

Monday September 10th 2012

5:00, 6:00, & 7:00 AM – Expo Design Center- off Greenfield and Rancho Niguel in Laguna Niguel

5:30 & 6:30 PM – La Paz Intermediate School- Upper Parking lot off of La Paz Rd


A. 3 sets of, one minute skip rope – after every minute perform a set of max reps STRICT push up. Keep a consistent tempo throughout the set, terminate the set as soon as you rest at the top for more than a second.

– Practice singles, doubles, crosses, high knee, skiers and any other variation of skipping rope in which you can think of

B. In 8 -10 sets or less, build to a heavy one rep clean and jerk

– Rest as needed between efforts

C. “Annie”

50-40-30-20-10 reps of

Ab-mat sit-ups & Double unders

– This is a classic baseline workout. Be sure to check WOD together for your previous score and come ready to go nuts for a new PR.


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