Friday September 29th 2017

By paul
In September 28, 2017

7-22-16 Fearless Ladybug Event
Spectating at a Ruination event when the beer flowing is a tough job,
but someone has got to do it. Laura, Sheets, Shannon and Brett holding
down the keg tent at last years Fearless Ladybug fundraiser.  

The evening classes (4pm, 5pm and 6pm) during the Barbells For Boobs event will be completing Allyson Lyle’s “Fearless Ladybug” WOD. Come join us for some food, beer and a workout benefiting a good cause.

“Fearless Ladybug”
4 minute AMRAP of:
9 reps of back squat at 135/95 lb [from the floor]
15 reps of handstand push-up
4 minute AMRAP of:
9 reps of clean and jerk at 135/95 lb
15 reps of pistol
4 minute AMRAP of:
9 reps of front squat at 135/95 lb [from the floor]
15 reps of bike
– Scaling options will be posted to the whiteboard

WOD Movements:
Rowing on the C2 Concept rower

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