Friday January 25th 2013

By paul
In January 24, 2013

Coach Noe



A. For time and reps:
Row 500 Meters
At the top of the next min perform 2 minute max rep Double under
– Score is time for row and total number of double unders completed

Rest 3 minutes

B. 40/30 Calories on the Airdyne (must be completed in under a minute)
Once the minute is up move right into 50 Kettle-bell swings
– Score is total calories and time for 50 KBS

Rest 3 minutes

C. For time:
15-12-9 reps of
Ball slams (35/25)
Ring Dip

Rest 3 minutes

D. For time:
3 Rounds
150′(3 trips) Sled push (4 plates/2 plates)
rest :45 seconds

Competitor WOD (team)

A. “Macho Man”
OTM for as long as possible
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Jerks
– Dudes: 185
– Chicks: 135

B. Rowing Intervals
5 x 300m, 1 minute rest

Weekly Member Challenge # 6
2 Minute ab-mat Sit-up test
– Set up for test is feet together and knees out (butterfly). Standards are the athlete must touch shoulder blades to the floor and then return to a seated position.

Top Scores:
Men – Trevor (117 reps)
Women – Alina (70 reps)
– Only 2 women have taken on this weeks challenge. Whats up ladies?

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