“Cupids Massacre” WODs

By paul
In January 16, 2013

Cupid's Massacre Artwork v2b

WOD #1


12 min AMRAP
7 Wall balls 25/20# (20/14#)
7 Froggies
14 Double Unders

 – Partner A performs one round, then partner B does a round…


WOD #2

“Cupid Shuffle”

For Time (8 min cap)
12-9-6 of
Thrusters 135/95# (75/55#)
Barbell lunges 135/95# (75/55#)
– Both partners perform the reps at the same time but must do so in a synchronized fashion


“The Old Ball & Chain”

4 min AMRAP
1-2-3-4-5 reps….
Axel Bar Deadlift 250/160# (180/110#)
Med Ball Ground To Overshoulder 150/80# (80/50#) 

– With two bars and balls, partner A first performs one rep of the first movement, then partner B performs one rep  of the first movement, then partner A performs one rep of the second movement and so on….

Full details of the WODs and movements standards will be covered on the day of the event. Please email paul@ruinationcrossfit.com with any questions. Hope to see you there!

Sign up using the following links.  You will be prompted to create a WODTogether account.  When you click Buy, you will be taken to Amazon.com to pay for the event for your team.  The entire process is very simple and should only take a few moments.

Advanced Couples: Click Here

Intermediate Couples: Click Here

If the product is no longer available when you attempt to purchase, that means that the division is sold out.  Email info@ruinationcrossfit.com to be added to a waiting list.

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