Cupid’s Massacre 2020

By shannon
In November 13, 2019

7th Annual Co-Ed Competition

Saturday, February 8th

Teams of 2 (1 Male + 1 Female)

Intermediate and Rx Divisions

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Thank You To All Our Sponsors!


RX Division

Intermediate Division

WOD Movement Videos

WOD #1 Dead Ringer
WOD #2 The Quick and the Dead
WOD #3 Til Death Do Us Part

WOD #1 “Dead Ringer”

For Time (RX):

50 Calories Assault Bike
8 Rope Climbs 15′
40 Calories Assault Bike
6 Rope Climbs 15′
30 Calories Assault Bike
4 Rope Climbs 15′

For Time (Intermediate):

40 Calories Assault Bike
6 Rope Climbs 12′
30 Calories Assault Bike
4 Rope Climbs 12′
20 Calories Assault Bike
2 Rope Climbs 12′

Calories are total calories between the 2 partners; they can switch at any time. Rope climbs are total between the 2 partners. One partner can do all the rope climbs if they wish. The rope climb rep ends with the athlete touching the mark NOT when they return to the floor so their partner may be on the bike and ready to go. Then when partner A touches the mark on the rope, partner B can begin pedaling (allowing partner A to control their descent). As soon as one partner touches their mark on the LAST rope climb, the other partner will sprint to touch the wall to finish the WOD (not both partners, again allowing a controlled descent). 10 MIN TIME CAP.

WOD #2 “The Quick and The Dead”

With A Running Clock, Complete the Following for Time (RX):

PART A: From 0:00 – 10:00
1600m Run (total, switch every 400m)
30 Snatches 95/65 (total)
50 Wall Balls 20/14 to a 10′ Target (total, synchronized)
PART B: From 10:00 – 16:00
800mi Run (total, switch every 200m)
20 Snatches 135/85 (total)
40 Wall Balls 20/14 to a 10′ Target (total, synchronized)
PART C: From 16:00 – 21:00
400mi Run (total, switch every 100m)
10 Snatches 155/105 (total)
30 Wall Balls  20/14 to a 10′ Target (total, synchronized)
– Rest 1min –
PART D: From 22:00-25:00
Establish 1RM Snatch (each, one at a time)

With A Running Clock, Complete the Following for Time (Intermediate):

PART A: From 0:00 – 10:00
1600m Run (total, switch every 400m)
30 Snatches 75/55 (total)
50 Wall Balls 14/10 to a 10′ Target (total, synchronized)
PART B: From 10:00 – 16:00
800m Run (total, switch every 200m)
20 Snatches 95/65 (total)
40 Wall Balls 14/10 to a 10′ Target (total, synchronized)
PART C: From 16:00 – 21:00
400m Run (total, switch every 100m)
10 Snatches 115/75 (total)
30 Wall Balls  14/10 to a 10′ Target (total, synchronized)
– Rest 1min –
PART D: From 22:00 – 25:00
Establish 1RM Snatch (each, one at a time)

  • This event has FOUR SEPARATE SCORES.
  • Runs will take place on ASSAULT AIR RUNNERS. Either partner may start but you must switch at the meter marks indicated above.
  • Reps on the snatches can be divided up however the team would like.
  • Wall balls are to be synchronized. They do not necessarily have to hit at the same time but teammates should be down in the squat beginning each rep at roughly the same time.
  • If Part A is finished within the 10min cap teams will rest until the 10:00 mark. If Part B is finished within the 6min cap teams will rest until the 16:00 mark. If Part C is finished within the 5min cap teams will rest until the 21:00 mark. Everyone rests 1min when Part C is completed, until the 22:00 mark. You may load your bars with the weight of your first attempt(s) during this time.
  • Part D partners lift one person at a time.
  • Tie breakers for Part A, B, and C will be the time it took to complete the total runs. Tie breaker for Part D will be for the team with the fewest attempts.

WOD #3 “Til Death Do Us Part”

For Time (RX):

60 Double-Unders (each, one person working at a time)
50 Clean and Jerks 135/95# (total, separate bars, one person working at a time)*
40 Toes to Bar (total, one partner hangs from the bar while the other performs the reps)*
30 Cal Row (men)
20 Cal Row (women)
40 Handstand Push Ups (total, one partner holds a handstand while the other performs the reps)*
50 Dual Kettlebell Thrusters 53/35# (total, one person working at a time)*, **
60′ Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Lunges 53/35# (synchronized – when knee touches the floor – in 20′ increments)***

For Time (Intermediate):

60 Double-Unders (each, one person working at a time)
50 Clean and Jerks 95/65# (total, separate bars, one person working at a time)*
40 Toes through Rings (total, one partner hangs from the rings while the other performs the reps)*
30 Cal Row (men)
20 Cal Row (women)
40 Hand Release Push Ups (total, one partner holds a plank – while the other performs the reps)*
50 Dual Kettlebell Thrusters 44/26# (total, one person working at a time)*, **
60′ Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Lunges 44/26# (synchronized – when knee touches the floor – in 20′ increments)***

Each lane will have one rower. Men row 30 calories first, then women row 20 calories.
*For these movements, partners can switch at any time. There is no minimum work requirement by each partner (meaning one partner may perform all reps).
**For the Dual Kettlebell Thrusters, when you return the weight to the front rack position your knuckles MUST touch going into the squat. They remain touching until hips fully extend and the athlete presses the KBs overhead.
***For the Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Lunges, your knuckles MUST touch while in the front rack position. 15 MIN TIME CAP.

This year we are featuring a raffle and silent auction to raise money for Barbells for Boobs! The silent auction will begin February 1, 2020 online and will conclude at the event. Raffles will also take places at the event.

If you would like to donate items to our silent auction, our raffle or to our podium prize packages please email our event coordinator Shannon Starich.

We want to redefine the standard of care in breast health and improve quality of life post diagnosis. We provide education on the significant benefits of fitness and support to access responsible and safe fitness instruction for those directly impacted by breast cancer. Engaging in consistent physical activity has been proven an effective intervention to:
* Reduce breast cancer risk.
* Reduce the prevalence and severity of adverse effects.
During Breast Cancer Treatment:
* Reduce post-treatment relative risks of recurrence, breast cancer mortality and all cause mortality.

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