Christmas Eve!

By paul
In December 23, 2012

12-22-12 Holiday Party
One half of the winning team from the “Shredded Santa” challenge

Monday December 24th 2012
9:00 am


“Ruination 12 days of X-mas”
1 Dead-lift (335/225)
2 burpee box jump over (30″/24″)
3 Thruster (115/75)
4 pull-up (c2b)
5 Hang DB squat clean & jerk (45/25)
6 push up
7 Kettle-bell swing (70/44)
8 OH walking lunge (45/25)
9 Wall ball shots (20/14)
10 Calorie row
11 One arm DB snatch (50/35)
12 Toes to bar

– This WOD will be performed just like the song. 1 dead-lift then, 2 burpee box jumps, 1 dead-lift then, 3 thrusters, 2 burpee box jumps, 1 dead-lift then, 4 pull-up, 3 thruster, 2 burpee box jump, 1 dead-lift…. Get it?

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