Barbells For Boobs

By paul
In September 7, 2012

KC showing full range of motion with her “head through the window” at the top of the thruster during last Monday’s Labor Day WOD.

Barbells For Boobs is just around the corner, are you all signed up?  On Friday, September 28th we will be heading down to Crossfit Costa Mesa to participate in the annual Barbells For Boobs event which raises money for women who are unable to afford mammograms.  We would love to see you there showing your support not only for the box, but for any woman who you may know that has been affected by breast cancer. We will be doing “Grace” which is 30 Clean & Jerks for time, and it will all be scaleable. We hope to see you there!

If you still need to sign up, here is the link –>Barbells For Boob

And, if you need the official Ruination Crossfit BB4B shirt click here –>Ruination Crossfit BB4B Shirt

So far we have the following members signed up and ready to go: Julie, Cindy, Chris F., Chad, Noe, Brian, Harry, Jon R., Paul, Shannon, Mike, Shani, & Francis

**If you have any questions, or problems signing up, please contact Shannon at

Tomorrow, September 8, we will have a team workout at 8 AM at La Paz Intermediate School. Some equipment to expect will be: yokes, axel bars, thick ropes,150lb slam balls, and jump ropes.

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