Back to School

By paul
In September 3, 2012

A sprint to the finish

This week is the first week back to school for a lot of our members’ children. We hope in all of the rush to get your kids to school, we still get to see you working out, we have some great WODs on deck for this week.

Tuesday September 4th 2012

5:00, 6:00, 7:00 AM – Home Depot Expo design center – off of Greenfield and Rancho Niguel in the city of Laguna Niguel

5:30, 6:30 PM – La Paz Intermediate school – Upper parking lot located off of La Paz rd.


A. 3 sets (not for time) of:

30-45 double under

15 DB plank row (each side) (45/35)


B. 4 rounds, each for time, of:

12 DB manmakers (45/35) (while holding DB perform push up, power clean, shoulder to over-head)

Rest 45 seconds between sets. Look to perform unbroken and as smooth and controlled as possible. Note times and details on how you feel.


C. For time, complete a decending ladder of reps starting at 10 and working down to 1 of:

DB Squat clean (45/35)

DB Push press (45/35)

Perform a 10 meter out and back shuttle run after every set.



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