Monday November 26th 2012

By paul
In November 25, 2012

Track WOD days

Monday November 26th 2012
5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am
4:30, 5:30 & 6:30 pm

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and extended holiday weekend. Im sure a few of us stuffed our faces and threw out all regards in eating healthy clean food that accommodates training hard and maintaining a low body fat. This week we will be a little more intense than previous weeks and the Ruination coaches plan to push everyone a little harder as we get closer to the end of the year. To kick the week off right, tomorrow we will be taking down “The Hour Of Power”.

Starting at the top of the hour……

(0:00 – 15:00)
A. Run 1 mile for time
(16:00 – 22:00)
B. For Time: 120 Double unders
60 Burpee w/ jump onto 45# plate
– Partition reps however you see fit
(23:00 – 35:00)
C. 3 rep max Dead-lift
– Score is the sum of your three heaviest sets. Example 345, 365, 375 = 1085#
D. Three sets of a max effort unbroken Pull-up
– Score is the sum of your three attempts
(36:00 – 41:00)
E. Accumulate as much time as possible in a static handstand
– RX = no wall or support
(42:00 – 46:00)
F. For time: 100 Ab-mat Sit-up
(47:00 – 53:00)
G. For time and reps: 500 Meter row
Max effort Thruster (95/65)
– Rest 1 min before starting the thrusters
– Score is the time it took for the row plus the reps completed for the thrusters. Example 1:35/21 reps

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