Monday November 12th 2012

By paul
In November 11, 2012

Monday November 12th 2012

5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am
4:30, 5:30 & 6:30 pm


A. 3 Sets of:
10 Back squat (use 75-80% of 1RM)
rest 30 – 45 seconds
7 – 10 Push-up holding DB (look to get full range of motion while maitaining a rigid trunk and lower body)
7 – 10 DB row (45/30) (each arm)
rest 30 – 45 seconds
60 second Jump rope technique (single, crosses, double unders, triple unders)
rest 90 seconds

B. 3 Rounds, each for time
1000 Meter row
rest 4 – 5 minutes

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