Back To The Old Class Schedule

By paul
In November 5, 2012

The 6am class getting nuts


We took a survey in hopes to get some feedback about class time preference and a few other things. The “Nation” responded to the survey with over forty replies…. Awesome! So, that being said, our class schedule will return back to the morning classes starting on the hour. Expect some schedule changes as well as more class times available in the future.

Free Friend Friday: We will be launching the first of many free community workouts this coming Friday, during all of our regularly scheduled class times. The workout will involve movements that are basic and accessible for every fitness level.  Please bring someone, a friend, family member, co-worker, your boss! Let’s introduce them to the Kool-aide!

Tuesday November 6th 2012
5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am
4:30, 5:30, 6:30 pm


Warm up/skill – 5 rounds for form and proper technique
6 Alternating pistols (try overhead with a PVC or 15# barbell)
4 deficit HSPU (use 45# plates)

A. EMOTM X 7 minutes
2 Cleans (build in load over the course of the 7 minutes)
EMOTM X  3 minutes
1 Clean (Try and increase in load after every set)

B. Back squat – In 3-5 sets build to a heavy set of 2 reps

C. 2013 OC Throwdown qualifier WOD # 1
10 Min AMRAP of
15 Cleans (95/65)
30 Double-unders


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