The CrossFit Games Season Is Around The Corner

By paul
In October 31, 2012

Tonia and Noe last year at the 2012 CrossFit Games SoCal Regionals

Ruination Competition Team (RCT)
The Ruination Competition Team is made of our elite athletes.  Within special team training we intend to prepare this “Dirty Dozen” to reach a new level in our box as well as at the regional competitions.  Below we have listed the areas of interest in which we will be basing the selection for our teams.

Six Pillars of Performance

  1. Nutrition
  2. Fitness
  3. Recovery
  4. Speed / Power
  5. Strength
  6. Skills

Things to accomplish over the month of November….

– Identified our top 6 men and top 6 women on the team side
This will extend  to more than just 12 athletes. Our coaching staff will provide guidance and coaching for any Ruination athlete looking to compete in any local event. The 12 athletes who make the Ruination Team will more or less be the brand and help drive other competitive individuals to our box. 

– Create a record board and ranking system
Displaying the gym records will drive and motivate other athletes to be better and work on their weak elements 

– Develop a Calendar of events with periodization based on athlete profile
Having a competition calendar can get our athletes focused on training, diet and attacking their deficiencies in any of the “6 Pillars Of Performance”.

– Support a “B” Team of active competitors for local competitions
Our “B” team is just as important as the “A” team, if not more important. The “B” team will go up against “A” team on a regular basis and be encouraged to work harder than anyone else in the gym with hopes to knock off one of the competition teams “Starters”.

– Accountability system for continued progress and team expectations
This year the coaching team and staff at RCF are taking the sport side of Crossfit to a whole new level. We expect commitment, dedication, hard work and continued support for your fellow athletes along the way. This will be a team and we will treat it just like any other competitive team sport. Those that do exceptionally well across all “6 Pillars Of Performance” will have full support of Ruination Crossfit. Competition fees will be taken care of, uniforms will be provided as well as advance skill sessions will be in place for these elite athletes to target their weaknesses. 

The dates for the “Try Outs” and WOD #1 ….. (All workouts will be released the Wednesday before the Saturday “Try outs”)

November 3rd 2012, 9:00 AM

A. 8 Mins to establish a Max Effort Clean & Jerk

B. For time:
500 Meter Row
Rest 2 Minutes
3 Minutes to establish a Max effort unbroken Double Unders
– Athletes can take as many attempts during the 3 minute time frame. Score is your time for the Row portion and your highest number of unbroken reps of Double Unders

November 10th 2012, 9:00 AM
November 17th 2012, 9:00 AM
November 24th 2012  THANKSGIVING WEEKEND!!
December 1st 2012, 9:00 AM

– After “Try outs” wrap up, our first team practice will be tentatively healed on Tuesday December 4th at 6:00 pm

It is important to know that these teams will represent Ruination as the gym tries to make a name for itself in the competitive Crossfit community, but is in no way the extent of the great athletes or competitors at our box.  Any member who competes in any competition will receive coaching and community support.  Also, anyone who comes for the tryouts and doesn’t make the team will get their stats and some coaching notes on how to improve their weaknesses. Salute!

Thursday November 1st

5:30, 6:30, 9:00 AM
4:30, 5:30, 6:00 – 7:30 (Barbell Club), 6:30 PM


“Annie Are You OK?”

21-15-9 reps of:
Row (calories)
Thruster (65/45)
Med-ball clean (20/14)
SDHP (65/45)
Wall ball (20/14)

Workout demo from Crossfit HQ


Ruination Barbell Club – 6:00 pm

Power Snatch – 3 x 1@ 60-70% (increase load over the 3 sets), 3 x 1 @ 75%, 3 x 2 @ 70%

Power Clean + Power Jerk (1+1) – 1 x 1 @ 60%, 3 x 1 @ 65%, 70%, 75%, 3 x 2+1 @ 70%

5 sets of:
10 push-ups holding dumbbells
10 renegade rows (each arm)
– 30 sec rest between sets



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