
By paul
In October 30, 2012

Harry showing us proper set up when performing wall ball shots

Here is a classic youtube video of Coach Greg Glassman explaining the Dead-lift. Get yourself familiar with the movement and come to class ready to move weight beautifully.

Wednesday October 31st

5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am
4:30, 5:30, 6:30 pm


A. EMOTM X 12 minutes
Min 1 – 6, 11 HSPU (strict)
– Perform as many strict HSPU as you can, switch to a kipping variation while still inverted to complete the remaining reps
Min 6 – 12, Shuttle run X 200 yards (10 yd., 20 yd., 30 yd. and 40 yd. markers)

B. Dead-lift
– Build up to 75% of 1RM. Rest 60 sec between lift

C. 100 Weighted sit-ups (50/35)

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