Free On Ramp Special!

By shannon
In February 1, 2014

By popular demand, we are extending our
“Free January On-Ramp” to February!

2014 FEB OnRamp Special

If you’re new to CrossFit, we offer an On Ramp Program to get you started.  It includes 3 one-on-one sessions with a coach for 1 hour.  These sessions are done at YOUR convenience!  After your 3 sessions you “graduate” to group classes, but by no means are you left on your own.  Our quality coaching staff always  demonstrates movements and standards at every class.  We will continue to monitor your progress to help you improve!

So what’s the catch?  We just have one…you must sign up for 1 month of CrossFit membership.  Membership prices are as follows:

  • $200/month Regular Membership – Unlimited Classes
  • $165/month Discounted Membership – Unlimited Classes for Firefighters, Police, Military, Veterans, Teachers, Current Students, and Couples

We don’t do contracts or long term commitments.  If after 1 month you find it’s not for you, no worries!  We do suggest giving CrossFit at least 3 months to really get a true understanding of it and to see real results.

Curious?  Try us out for free first at any of our Saturday 8am Free Intro to CrossFit Class (please note there is no free class on February 8th due to an event).

Ready to get started now?  Call us at 949-351-2432 or email us at   to get your On Ramp started!


Ready to get started?

Visit our gym today, talk to a coach, try a free class & change your life!

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