Ruination Barbell Club

By paul
In October 17, 2012

Jared D. getting under the bar during a split jerk

Ruination Barbell Club has officially been launched. Our first session will take place tomorrow at 6 pm at #7 Oak Ridge Circle in Aliso Viejo. Its located off of Chase and Pacific Park. We will start a 4 week program leading us into the Legendary Competitor “Oly” meet and the Crossfit Kinnick “Box Battle”. Athletes must be registered for either or both of these events in order to participate in the team practice. Come ready to slam bars and set PRs. Salute!

Thursday October 18th 2012

5:00, 6:00 & 7:00 AM – Expo Design Center – off Greenfield and Rancho Niguel in Laguna Niguel
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM – Ruination Barbell Club ***** Must be Registered for the “Oly” meet or the Crossfit Kinnick “Box Battle” ***** 7 Oak Ridge Circle, Aliso Viejo – Off of Chase and Pacific Park
5:30 & 6:30 PM – La Paz Intermediate – Upper Parking Lot off La Paz Rd


3 rounds of:
Max rep wall ball shots @ 12′ target (20/14) X 1 minute
Max rep burpee broad Jump (6’/4′) X 1 minute
Max rep alternating one arm DB snatch (50/35) X 1 minute
Max rep HSPU @ 4″ deficit X 1 minute
Max rep slam ball over shoulder + ball carry (150/80) – One point/rep = 3 G2OS + 50′ carry  X 1 minute
Rest 1 Minute

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