A Young Up And Comer

By paul
In October 10, 2012

Connor two years ago at the Crossfit South County “Fittest Of The Fittest” competition

We have known Connor now for a couple years. He has grown so much within his Crossfit career, in such a short amount of time. If you have not had the pleasure of meeting Connor yourself, you can find him fire-breathing through the 6:30 PM classes, he has really become one of our most dedicated athletes. Connor knows what it takes and puts everything he has into every WOD. He is definitely a kid that many will want to look out for in future Crossfit Competitions. He will be competing this weekend in the Pirates of Fitness Teen Challenge, which takes place at the NLI Warrior Soul. We are very proud of how far he has come, and we look forward to seeing him go hard this weekend.

Whats your full name? Connor Javier Urbano
How old are you? 14
How long have you been crossfitting? 2 years
What was your first WOD? or How did you hear about crossfit? First Wod was Fran. My Mom introduced me to Crossfit
What is your favorite benchmark WOD? Helen
We know your still a kid but what is your nutrition like and whats your favorite cheat meal? I am generally pretty good about watching what I eat. One thing I always do is have a glass of chocalte milk after my workout. It helps me with my recovery alot and it tastes good too. I love to eat Burgers and Fries
Have you competed before and at what event? Yes. the Gaunlet Teen Competion in January.
Do have any goals for Crossfit? Yes, I would like to keep doing this and get stronger and hopefully get to compete at the games one day.
Anything else you want people to know about you? Yes, My other thing that I enjoy doing is to play baseball. I am a shortstop. I am also a pretty easy going kid, I give my Mom no trouble…just ask her!
Connors Lifts and benchmarks:
Back squat – 130lb 
Deadlift  – 185lb
Press  – 65lb
Clean and Jerk – 105lb
Snatch – 75lb
Cindy – 18 rounds
Helen – 11:45
Grace – 3:39
Fran – 8:10
1 mile run – 6:57
Max effort pull ups – kipping = 25, deadhangs = 15

Thursday October 11th 2012

5:00, 6:00 & 7:00am: Expo Design Center – Off Greenfield & Rancho Niguel in Laguna Niguel
9:00am –  7 Oak Ridge Circle, Aliso Viejo – Off of Chase and Pacific Park
5:30 & 6:30pm: La Paz Intermediate – Upper Parking Lot off of La Paz Rd.

***** In the event of ANY rain we will meet under the parking garage at the Expo Design Center *****


A. Run for two minutes covering as many meters as possible (Running will be done in between two cones set up 100 meters apart from each other)
Rest 1 min
Max reps of Kettle-bell swings (70/53)  X 1 minute
Rest 45 sec
Max reps of Kettle-bell swings (70/53) X 90 seconds
Rest 30 sec
Max reps of Kettle-bell swings (70/53) X 2 minutes
Rest 1 min
Run for two minutes covering as many meters as possible
– Keep track of distance covered during the runs and the total repetitions of kettle-bell swings for all 3 sets. Example – 500 M/86 swings/350 M RX

Rest 5 min

B. 3 Rounds for time of:
30 wall ball shots
200 Meter run
– Go fast and go hard. Shoot to perform wall balls unbroken


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