Thursday May 9th 2013

By paul
In May 8, 2013
"Nancy" at the track

“Nancy” at the track



A. “Nancy”
5 Rounds for time:
400 Meter run
15 Overhead squat (95/65)

Cash Out:
5 Rounds
5 Box Jumps (30/24)
7 Toes to bar
15 Double unders

Endurance Session (6:00 am)

A. 3 Rounds
800 Meter run, rest 3 min

B. AMRAP 10 min
75 Double under
50 Air squat

3 sets
20 sec. med ball russian twist
20 sec. bicycle crunch
20 sec. hollow rock
30 sec. rest

Barbell Club (7:00 am & 6:30 pm)

A. In 10-12 minutes build to a heavy clean
– This does not need to be a PR or a one rep max effort

B. Overhead Squat Complex
7 Minute ladder of:
3 Overhead squats

Starting weights:
Men – 45#/75#/115#/135#/175#
Women – 35#/55#/75#/95#/105#
-The men must make increases in 10-pound increments, while the women must make increases in 5-pound increments

PumpFit (10:00 am)

3 Rounds
200 Meter run
100 Jump rope singles
3 x agility ladder
10 Jumping split lunge (each leg)
10 Clean and throw w/ slam ball

The Primer…
“Sand Bag’n”
Teams of two, with one person working at a time
5 Rounds for time:
10 Sandbag jump lunges
10 Alternating sandbag lunges
100 Meter sandbag run (once complete pass bag to partner)
5 Burpee

The Grind…
Teams of 4-6
200 Meter sled push (145/125) (4 lengths)
100 Push up (as a team)
400 Meter sled push (8 lengths)
75 Push up
600 Meter sled push (12 lengths)
50 Push up
800 Meter sled push (16 lengths)
– Teams share the work for both movements

The Pack…
Partner med-ball sit up drills

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