Tuesday May 7th 2013

By paul
In May 6, 2013



A. 3 Rounds (not for time)
10 Box jumps (Start low and build up in height)
15 KB Snatches
20 Double unders
3  Max broad jump (3 attempts)

B. For time:
21-15-9 reps
Dead-lift (275/195)
Burpee over bar

C. 3 – 5 sets of:
100′ reverse sled drag (heavy as possible)
– rest 1-2 mins


5 Rounds
:30 sec. Skip rope
:30 sec. Mtn. Climbers
:30 sec. Burpee
:30 sec. Flutter kick

The Primer…
OTM X 12 min
Odd: 5 Thruster (95/65) & 7 KB swings
Even: 21 Double under

The Grind…
400 Meter run
20 Pull-up
800 Meter run
30 Pull-up
400 Meter run
20 pull-up

The Pack…
Teams of three, accumulate as many seconds as possible in 5 mins of:
L-sit (rings or parallette)

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