Saturday April 20th

By rich
In April 19, 2013
Toe Touches!!

Toe Touches!!

CrossFit Team WOD (9:00 am)

A.) Warm Up:

3 Rounds- 1 Minute at each station:

  • Row (Cal)
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Russian KB Swings (Heavy)
  • Ab Mat Sit-Ups

B.) “Team Smoking Gun”

In teams of two, with one person working at a time,  and alternating after completed rounds, complete the following:

Buy In: 1200m Row then…
7 Rounds-
4 Burpee Deadlifts (135/95#)
3 Burpee Power Cleans
2 Burpee Squat Clean
1 Burpee Squat Clean & Jerk
**Partner A does 1 full round, then Partner B does 1 full round. Each team member must do 7 rounds.

PumpFit (7:00 am)

Intro (12 min)-
3 Rounds- 1 Minute at each station:

  • Row (Cal)
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Russian KB Swings (Heavy)
  • Ab Mat Sit-Ups

-Rest 2 min-

The Primer-
OTM x 10 minutes:
5 x Bodyweight Renegade Row + Push Up (No Dumbbell)
15 x Double Unders

-Rest 2 min-

50 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14#)
50 Plate Box Step-Ups (45/25#)

– Rest 2 min-

The Grind-
AMRAP in 15 min:
10 Bar Burpee Deadlift (135/95#)
10e. Alternating Split Jump Lunges
10 4-Count Flutter Kicks
200m Run (RX+1: Sandbag Run)

The Pack:
50-75 Med Ball Sit-Up Exchange
(start with ball in your hand, bring your knees in, transfer ball on top of ankles, straighten out legs, and reach arms behind you)



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