Monday April 15th 2013

By paul
In April 14, 2013

Francis applying his sandbag training at the grocery store


Week two, day one (lower body, max effort)

3 rounds
300 meter row
15 Air squat
15 hip extension
5 min hip mobility

A. Max effort 3 rep Box Squat
– Use blocks with plates to achieve a 14-16″ box to squat to
– Position and proper form is absolutely crucial, build slow and nail down the movement before significant load increase

B. 3 Sets of
10 Barbell step ups (right leg)
10 Barbell step ups (left leg)
10 Barbell good morning
rest 2 min
– For step ups, keep foot on the box throughout all ten reps
– Build in load over the course of the three sets
– Focus on staying firmly rooted through your heel

C. “Nasty Girls”
3 Rounds of:
50 Air squat
7 Muscle-up
10 Hang power cleans (135/95)
– For muscle ups us a 3:1 ratio of pull-ups and Dips, thats 3 pull-ups and 3 dips = 1 Muscle up

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