Friday February 22nd 2013

By paul
In February 21, 2013

Dawg Sled

Written By: Coach Jenae Dimitruk

Living in Southern California and being a CrossFitter makes it hard to
not develop an enormous sense of pride for our military.  Not only is
a major Marine base located just 40 miles south of here, but Ruination
CrossFit is home to quite a few current and former military members.
Almost every single one of us knows someone who is active duty

One year ago today, on February 22, 2012, 7 Marines died in a
helicopter training accident. It was noted as one of the most deadly
training accidents in decades. These Marines were part of a Helicopter
Squadron at Camp Pendleton named “Vengeance” (HMLA-469).   In that
crash 5 fathers, 5 husbands, 1 fiance, 3 brothers, 7 sons, and 7
heroes were lost.

7 Rounds – 1 for each Marine
Reps 4-6-9 (Squadron Call Sign)
4 Snatches
6 Clean and Jerks
9 Dead Lifts
135/95 LBS

Today we will honor them once again with “Mini Vengeance”. A shorter
version of the Hero WOD Vengeance:


3 minute – AMRAP double under
5 minute – Down & Back drills
3 minute – AMRAP double under

Practice Snatch and Clean & Jerk + Banded mobility
– Build up light in load and or work positions, efficiency and proper mechanics. This could be taken in so many directions and is different for every individual. Think a better set-up and a better receiving position through mobility WODs and stretching. But also think proper sequencing and pulling mechanics. Coaches will provide feedback on which avenue to explore.

A. “Mini Vengeance” One Year Anniversary Edition
7 Rounds for time:
200 Meter run
1 Squat snatch (165/110)
3 Clean & Jerk (165/110)
5 Dead-lift (165/105)

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