Thursday February 14th 2013

By paul
In February 13, 2013

Frank & Susan


3 Min skip rope
Ladder drills X 5 mins
30 sec/each – Sampson stretch
30 sec/each – Super squat sequence
1 min/each – shoulder MWODs

A. Complete (not for time)
20′ Handstand walk
rest 30 sec.
Max reps unbroken Double unders (3 attempts)
rest 30 sec.
Max reps unbroken Ring dips
rest 1 min

B. For time:
500 Meter row
75 Air squats
35 Ring push up
800 Meter run
35 Ring push up
75 Air squats
500 Meter row

Endurance Session (6:00 am)

A. 10 Rounds of:
20 Double unders
50 Jump rope singles

B. Complete five Rounds on the 5:00
500 Meter Row
400 Meter run
– Complete a 500 meter row and a 400 meter run every five minutes, rest is the remaining time of each round
– Scale by completing on the 6:00

21-15-9 reps
Super planks

Barbell Club (7:00 am & 6:00 pm)

A. Power snatch 1.1.1
– The decimal represents a :10 sec pause. Build up to a heavy three rep dropping the bar after each lift.

B. Power clean & Jerk 2.2.2
– Build up to a heavy touch and go double dropping the bar after each double. Goal is to be fast and tight throughout all 6 reps.

C. Overhead squat
– Build up to a one rep max effort

Weekly Member Challenge #9

Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats- Perform 8 rounds of :20 seconds of squats followed by :10 seconds of rest. During the :10 second rest period, rest at the bottom of the squat. Score is total number of squats.

No one has taken down this challenge yet…..Lets go peeps!


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