Saturday February 9th 2013

By paul
In February 8, 2013


Remember every Saturday is FREE to friends and family. The 7 & 9 am are for those experienced in the gym and currently exercise. The 8 am is our intro to Crossfit where we cover the fundamentals and teach new folks what CrossFit is all about. See ya there…


Back by popular demand….

“PumpFit” (Every Sat. @ 7:00 am)

3 Rounds
With 4 minutes on the clock complete:
:60 sec. Flutter kicks
400 Meter run
– Rest and stretch the remaining time

rest 2 min

5 min AMRAP
10 Push press (75/55)
10 Sumo dead-lift (75/55)

rest 1 min

5 min AMRAP
7 Slam ball squats (heavy)
9 Burpee slam balls (use same ball)

rest 1 min

5 min AMRAP
15 Step up and over w/sandbag (24″) (60/40)
12 Sandbag clean (60/40)

rest 2 min

The Grind…
For time: (10 min cut off)
100 Overhead squat (75/55)
– Every time the bar is removed from the overhead position complete 20 double unders
– If completed under 10 min rest remaining time

rest 1 min

The Pack…
With a partner each member completes 3 rounds of:
:30 sec. Leg toss
:30 sec. Med ball sit-up with throw

Team WOD (9:00 am)

“Partner Barbara w/ A Twist”
In teams of two, with one person working at a time compete:
5 Rounds of
10 Dead-lift (245/175)
20 Pull-up
30 Push-up
40 Sit-up
50 Air squat
– Rest 3 min b/t rounds

Ready to get started?

Visit our gym today, talk to a coach, try a free class & change your life!

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