Saturday January 19th 2013

By paul
In January 18, 2013


The Ruination Crossfit family would like to wish Coach Jenae a Happy 30th Birthday


A. “Goat” skill work
– For 15 minutes practice your “Goat” of choice. Progressions will be provided for: Handstands, Muscle-ups, Upper body strength (pull-ups) and Double unders.

B. In teams of three with one person working at a time, complete the following for time
3 Rounds of:
60 Kettle-bell swings (53/35)
50 Ground to overhead (75/55)
40 Ring dips
400 Meter run
– Each team carries a sandbag throughout the entire WOD
* If the bag hits the floor at any point, each member must complete 5 burpee before continuing

Competitor WOD (team)

A. 12 Rounds of:
30 seconds, max rep Burpees – to target six inches above max reach.
30 seconds rest
– Post total reps and highest/lowest scores. Example: 185, 19/11

B. Bulletproof Shoulders

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