January 2nd 2012

By paul
In January 1, 2013

The 2011 Crossfit Games
Who else cant wait for this?


A. In 5 sets, build to the heaviest squat clean + 2 pause front squat + Jerk
– Pause for 3 seconds after each front squat. Let feel dictate load and intensity, if your feeling good, go for it and move the heavy stuff.

B. For time:
20 Kettle-bell swing (70/53)
30 Front squat (65/45)
100 Ab-mat Sit-up
20 Kettle-bell swing (70/53)
30 Push press (65/45)
100′ Handstand walk
20 Kettle-bell swing (70/53)
30 Thruster (65/45)
100 ‘ Prowler push (235/190)

Competitor Training (Team)

“Goat Training”
A. For time:
10 X 20 Double unders
– Must stop and re-set after each round

B. Strength
Dead-lift 3 – 10 – 10
– Heavy!

C. For time:
4 X 400 Meter run
OTM 3 minute

– Keep split times within 3-5 seconds of each other

D. AMRAP 8 Minute
10 Wall balls (25/20)
10 Box jump (30″/24″)
10 Toes to bar

Weekly Member Challenge – No challeneg for this week. We will get back at it next week. If you have any suggestion for the challenges please email all@ruinationcrossfit.com.


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