New Years Eve

By paul
In December 30, 2012

Happy New Year…

What a wonderful year it has been for all of us at Ruination Crossfit. New Years celebrations help us to reflect on the past year and look forward into the upcoming year with new goals, hopes and dreams. We couldn’t be happier with how this year has unfolded.  We couldn’t have made it without each and every one of your support. From the very get-go, training in parks and at beaches, not being sure of where to go next or when we would find a home, so many of you have stuck with us along this journey and it has turned out to be a pretty damn good dream come true for us. So thank you, for hanging in there and pushing through the finish line with us.

Personally, I would also like to say a huge thanks to Mike and Shannon for having faith in me as a trainer and partner and dedicating so much to this gym, also a special shout out to my partner Rich, who is a very knowledgable and dedicated trainer, as well as Noe, Taylor and Harry, thanks for sticking with me guys! We have some pretty exciting things coming in the next year and hope to see you all day in and day out.  Salute!

Monday December 31st 2012
9:00 am



Six rounds for time of:
24 Squats
24 Push-ups
24 Walking lunge steps
Run 400 meters

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