Ruination Crossfit On Ramp Program

By rich
In December 29, 2012

Our next On-Ramp Essentials Course starts on Monday, Feb. 4th at 5:30PM.

On Ramp Image NEW

This course will consists of 6 one-hour sessions, meeting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 2 weeks. You will learn basic CrossFit movements and workouts in a small group setting. Spaces will be limited to 10 people.

The On-Ramp Essentials Course will introduce new CrossFitter’s to the fundamentals and methodology of CrossFit. Over the 2 weeks, athletes will be taught the 9 CrossFit foundational movements, going over proper form and execution of the movements.

On-Ramp will also help build up intensity and conditioning to prepare them for the WOD (Workout of the Day). Each session will include a “WOD” to help progressively prepare for the speed of the group classes. The WOD will be a short workout using your new skills and movements. Scalability and intensity of the workout will depend on each athlete’s skill level.

What should I expect during On-Ramp?

A typical class/hour will include:

1.  10 min active dynamics/mobility warm up
2.  Skill/Strength Training
3.  Briefing of WOD (movements, weights, scaling options)
4.  WOD – short workout encompassing the skills learned that day
5.  Post WOD “Recovery and Mobility”


*Classes will meet on Mon, Wed & Fri at 5:30PM

To sign up or request more information, please contact us:

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